Ingenieurbüro für Technische Dokumentation
Dr.-Ing. André Cajar

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Icon Image editing – An introduction to our work

Here you can see an example of image processing. The photographs are used with kind permission of WEMA Glauchau - Werkzeugmaschinenfabrik Glauchau GmbH.

  • Colour correction
  • Reduction of “fish-eye effects”
  • Reduction of converging lines and trimming
  • Retouching details not belonging to the machine
  • Retouching further details (e. g. dirt, paint blemishes, provisional labels)
  • Reduction to the image size required for the instruction manual (on the basis of 300 dpi); for this process, we use a program which preserves fine details

Subsequently, the photograph is inserted into the instruction manual and captioned by means of the word processor.


output image

Korrektur der gebogenen Konturen

Photograph after colour correction; the next defect to be corrected are the curved lines (fish-eye effect)

Korrektur des Fischaugeneffektes
Korrektur des Fischaugeneffektes

Photograph after correction of the fish-eye effect; next, vertical contours must be corrected which do not appear as such in the photograph

Reduktion von „stürzenden Linien“; Beschnitt
Reduktion von „stürzenden Linien“; Beschnitt

Photograph after correction of the converging lines and trimming

Retusche nicht zur Maschine gehörender Details

Photograph after retouching of details not belonging to the machine

Foto nach Retusche weiterer Details (hier markiert)

Photograph after retouching of other details (marked here)